Medical science is constantly advancing and discovering innovative approaches to combat diseases and enhance our well-being. One groundbreaking field making significant progress is Epigenetics. Although it may sound complex, it can be simplified as the study of how our bodies regulate genes without altering the DNA itself.
Within our cells, genes can be switched ‘on’ or ‘off’, which is very similar to turning on a light or muting a TV. Scientists have identified a specific gene, called EZH2, that plays a crucial role in this process. When EZH2 is overly active, it can contribute to the development of diseases like prostate cancer.

By comprehending and managing the EZH2 gene, researchers hope to develop novel strategies for cancer treatment.
The EZH2 Gene and Prostate Cancer
The EZH2 gene is part of a group of genes that influence cell growth and transformation. If this gene is excessively active, it can cause uncontrolled cell growth that leads to prostate cancer.
Researchers believe that by regulating this gene, they can activate the good genes responsible for controlling cell growth. This breakthrough could provide a new approach to treating complex diseases like cancer.
Epigenetic therapies represent a promising area of prostate cancer treatment for treating cancers and other diseases in new ways.
Pfizer Clinical Trial for Metastatic Prostate Cancer Now Enrolling
Pfizer, Inc. is conducting a randomized, open-label, multi-center dose escalation and dose expansion study to evaluate if an investigational oral medicine is safe and effective for the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).
This study will allow researchers to compare enzalutamide (standard of care) versus enzalutamide in addition to an oral investigational medication.

In your prostate cancer journey, it is always important to remember…
Knowledge Is the Best Defense Against Prostate Cancer!
PHEN Clinical Trials Highlights
Doctors are researching an investigational drug that may help those with prostate cancer.
Patient Summary
Learn more about an antibody drug conjugate based prostate cancer therapy.
Patient Summary