A Study of JNJ-78278343, a T-Cell-Redirecting Agent Targeting Human Kallikrein 2 (KLK2), for Advanced Prostate Cancer

Clinical Trials, Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (MCRPC)

PHENTrials.com Increasing Participation in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials to Save Lives

NCT Number: NCT04898634
Phase: Phase 1
Trial Summary: The purpose of this study is to determine the recommended phase 2 dose(s) (RP2Ds) of JNJ-78278343 in Part 1 (Dose Escalation) and the safety at the RP2Ds in Part 2 (Dose Expansion) – clinicaltrials.gov for more information and locations
Trial Sponsor(s): Janssen Research & Development, LLC

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